ThomasLeonard코칭에 숙련된 코치들을 연구하면서 도출한 15가지 코칭 역량이다. CoachVille의 교육과정은 이 역량에 기초해서 이루어져 있다.




아시아코칭센터 번역


Engages in provocative conversations.

도전적인 대화를 맞닥뜨려라

열정을 불러 일으키기


Reveals the client to themselves.

고객을 그들 자신에게 노출시켜라

고객을 노출시키기


Elicits greatness.

위대함을 끄집어내라

탁월함을 도출하기


Enjoys the client immensely.

몰입해서 고객을 즐겨라

고객을 즐기기


Expands the client's best efforts.

고객의 최선의 노력을 확장시켜라

노력 확장하기


Navigates via curiosity.

호기심을 가지고 항해해라

호기심을 가지고 항해하기


Recognizes perfection in every situation.

모든 상황에서 완전함을 인식해라

완전함을 인식하기


Hones in on what is most important.

가장 중요한 것에 집중해라

중요함을 식별하기


Communicates cleanly.

명료하게 대화해라

깨끗하게 대화하기


Shares what is there.

발견한 것을 나누라

포착된 직관을 나누기


Champions the client.

고객을 승리자로 만들어라

고객 챔피언 만들기


Enters new territories.

새로운 영역으로 들어가라

새 영역으로 들어가기


Relishes truth.

진리를 즐겨라

진리를 즐기기


Designs supportive environments.

후원적인 환경을 설계해라

후원 환경 조성하기


Respects the client's humanity.

고객을 인간으로서 존중하라

인간애를 존중하기

The 15 proficiencies remain the cornerstone of our Coaching Certification through both the Graduate School of Coaching and the Center for Coaching Mastery. Below is a complete list, followed by audios of Thomas teaching the first three proficiencies, and a copy of the Proficiencies scorecard - use this when listening to a coaching session to help rate the coach's use of the proficiencies, or when facilitating your own coaching session, as a guide to keep you focused.

Lastly, continue your studies by looking over the other four elements of the five element CoachVille Coaching System by downloading the15 Clarifiers, Deliverables, Frameworks and Stylepoints scorecards!

1. 도전적인 대화를 맞닥뜨려라 (Engages in provocative conversations)


  1. 말하지 않은 것을 들어라.
  2. '덜떨어진/당연한' 질문을 해라.
  3. 공명되지 않는 부분에 대해 질문해라.

The key distinction is provocative conversation vs. nice chat.

핵심적인 차이점은, '도전적인 대화(provocative conversation)' vs. '멋진 대화(nice chat)'

prof01-lg.pdf (


2. 고객에게 자신이 누구인지를 발견시켜라 (Reveals the client to themselves)


  1. Point to their unseen gifts/secret aspirations.
  2. Help them see their way of thinking/paradigm.
  3. Help to identify their sources of motivation/energy.

The key distinction is awareness vs. information.

3. Elicits greatness


  1. Ask for higher standards.
  2. Ask for "absence of" something.
  3. Ask for a much bigger game.

The key distinction is greatness vs. success.

4. Enjoys the client immensely


  1. Enjoy their strengths and qualities.
  2. Enjoy their faults and foibles.
  3. Enjoy their missed opportunities.

The key distinction is enjoy vs. accept.

5. Expands the client's best efforts


  1. Congratulate, then ask for 2/10x more.
  2. Expand their envelope/reality/thinking.
  3. Point out the next level/place to operate from.

The key distinction is expansion vs. pushing.

6. Navigates via curiosity


  1. Be curious about situations.
  2. Be curious about dynamics.
  3. Be curious about the facts.

The key distinction is curiosity vs. information gathering.

7. Recognizes perfection in every situation


  1. Transcend your own bias against the word "perfect."
  2. Identify the Greater Truth of the situation; perfection is in there.
  3. Ask the client to find the perfection and/or share the perfection that you see

The key distinction is responding vs. reacting.

8. Home in on what is matters most


  1. Ask the client what is most important, not just most urgent.
  2. Focus on the shifts called for, not just the urgent business.
  3. Continually get updated by what the client says is most important.

The key distinction is present moment vs. recent priority.

9. Communicates cleanly


  1. Transcend your reactions/smallness.
  2. Share your biases/limits.
  3. Be responsible for how you are heard, not just what you say.

The key distinction is absence of vs. unnecessary additives.

10. Shares what is there


  1. Share inklings.
  2. Share observations.
  3. Share what you are hesitant to share.

The key distinction is inkling vs. evidence.

11. Champions the client


  1. Be excited about their actions/progress.
  2. Point to underlying shifts/growth.
  3. Be awed by their willingness.

The key distinction is championing vs. cheerleading.

12. Enters new territories


  1. Broach topics that client didn't retain you for.
  2. Share ideas/distinctions that will expand the client.
  3. Experiment.

The key distinction is broaching vs. reacting.

13. Relishes truth


  1. Come to enjoy/relish truth about the client's abilities and limitations.
  2. Teach the client how to relish the truth for the pleasure, not just the utility, of it.
  3. Be open to truths about your coaching style/paradigm.

The key distinction is relishing truth vs. expecting honesty.

14. Designs supportive environments


  1. Design environments that automatically support.
  2. Design stimulating environments that evolve.
  3. Repair environments that weaken.

The key distinction is environments vs. self-reliance.

15. Respects the client's humanity


  1. Respect the client's RAM limitations.
  2. Respect the client's style/approach.
  3. Respect the client's wishes.

The key distinction is respect vs. accept.


The15CoachingProficiencies (last edited 2020-02-27 15:33:35 by 정수)