
Foundations for Organizational Science series.


1. The Nature of Sensemaking

The Concept of Sensemaking

The Uniqueness of Sensemaking

2. Seven Properties of Sensemaking

Grounded in Identity Construction


Enactive of Sensible Environments



Focused on and by Extracted Cues

Driven by Plausibility Rather Than Accuracy


3. Sensemaking in Organizations

Historical Roots of Sensemaking

A Sensemaking Perspective on Organization

Sensemaking in Kawick

4. Occasions for Sensemaking

Varieties of Occations for Sensemaking

Ambiguity and Uncertainty

General Properties of Occasions for Sensemaking

5. The substance of Sensemaking

Minimal Sensible Structures


6. Belief-Driven Processes of Sensemaking

Sensemaking as Arguing

Sensemaking as Expecting

7. Action-Driven Processes of Sensemaking

Sensemaking as Committing

Sensemaking as Manipulation

8. The Future of Sensemaking

Overview of Organizational Sensemaking

The Future of Sensemaking Research

The Future of Sensemaking Practice

A Mindset for Sensemaking

SensemakingInOrganizations (last edited 2023-07-12 16:10:06 by 정수)