Quality Software Management
GeraldWeinberg의 역작. SatirAndWeinberg 융합을 잘 드러내준다.
엔지니어링 시스템을 피드백 제어를 통해 관리하기 위해서, 컨트롤러로서 매니저는 아래와 같은 것들을 해야 한다:
이 새 QSM 시리즈의 1권은 계획(planning)에 중점을 둔다. 2권은 관찰(ovserving)과 비교(comparing)에 중점을 둔다. 3,4권은 행동(action)에 중점을 둔다.
/Vol1: System Thinking. 18개 쳅터
/Vol2: First-order Measurement. 20개 쳅터
/Vol3: Congruent Action. 21개 쳅터
/Vol4: Anticipating Change. 23개 쳅터
총 82개 쳅터.
/Vol1: System Thinking
/Vol1/Vol 1.1 Summaries: How Software is Built
/Vol1/Vol 1.2 Summaries: Why Software Gets In Trouble
/Vol2: First-order Measurement
/Vol2/Vol 2.1: Summaries: How to Observe Software Systems
/Vol2/Vol 2.2: Summaries: Responding to Significant Software Events
/Vol3: Congruent Action
/Vol3/Vol 3.1: Summary: Managing Yourself and Others
/Vol3/Vol 3.2: Summary: Managing Teams Congruently
/Vol4: Anticipating Change
/Vol4/Vol 4.1: Summary: Becoming a Change Artist
/Vol4/Vol 4.2: Summary: CHANGE: Planned & Unplanned
/Vol4/Vol 4.3: Summary: Change Done Well