PLoP에서 발표된, OrgPatterns 관련된 논문의 발전사
- The RaPPEL pattern language (1995) by Bruce Whitenack that described organizational structures suitable to requirements acquisition;[6]
The Caterpillar's Fate pattern language (1995) by NormKerth that described organizational structures supporting evolution from analysis to design;[7]
A work by JimCoplien (1995) describing several years of organizational research at Bell Laboratories;[8]
EPISODES, a pattern language by WardCunningham (1996) describing key points of what today we would call Agile software development;[9]
A pattern language by NeilHarrison (1996) on the formation and function of teams.[10]
MikeBeedle 은 SCRUM의 초기 역사에서 OrgPatterns 가 영향을 주었다고 말한다. 자신은 1995년 이후로, 소프트웨어 방법론에 있어서는 SCRUM 과 OrgPatterns 만을 사용해오고 있다고 말한다.
James O. Coplien, The Human Side of Patterns
연관 패턴 (via OrganizationPatternsEditorialProject at
JimCoplien's OrgPatterns