책/Becoming A Technical Leader/연습문제

리더십의 정의

세상을 바라보는 관점에는 두 가지 종류가 있다. 모든 문제에는 단 하나의 올바른 해답만이 존재한다는 '선형 모델(Linear model)'과, 다양한 요소들의 복잡한 작용에 의한 것이라는 '유기적 모델(System model)'이다.

선형 모델

유기적 모델

사건에 대한 설명

사람에 대한 정의

관계에 대한 정의

변화를 대하는 태도

리더십이란, "사람들이 능력을 발휘할 수 있는 환경을 만들어내는 과정"이다

리더십 유형 모델

문제 해결 스타일

리더 성장 모델

협곡과 고원의 반복


My friend Stan Gross has a useful device for dealing with his feelings that people are not trying to contribute. He says to himself: "They're all doing the best they can, under the circumstances. If I don't think they are doing the best they can, then I don't understand the circumstances."

These "circumstances" are usually some incongruence between the organization and the task to be accomplished.

But what has gone wrong? It's not always easy to see the reason clearly when you're involved in the situation. When I'm closely involved, I try to look at things assuming that something has gone wrong with one of the three essential functions of problem-solving leadership:

 * defining the problem
 * managing the flow of ideas
 * controlling the quality

Groups can be dysfunctional, just like individuals, with the wrong kind of organization for their current problem. I can often understand a dysfunctional group by making the assumption that the organization exists to solve some problem, though it may not be the problem at hand.

CategoryBook 책분류

책/Becoming A Technical Leader (last edited 2024-08-28 14:06:53 by 정수)