AlanCooper의 저작.

Part 1. Goal-Directed Design

Ch 1. A Design Process for Digital Products

Goal-Directed Design is a powerful tool for answering the most important questions that crop up durng the definition and design of a digital product:

The remainder of this bok is dedicated to answering these questions.

Ch 2. Understanding the Problem: Design Research

Ch 3. Modeling Users: Personas and Goals

Ch 4. Setting the Vision: Scenarios and Design Requirements

Ch 5. Designing the Product: Framework and Refinement

Ch 6. Creative Teamwork

Small, Focused Teams

Thinkng Better, Together

Working across Design Disciplines

The Extended Team

Estabilishing a Creative Culture

Identifying Skill Levels in Designers

Collboration is the Key

Part 2. Designing Behavior and Form

Ch 7. A Basis for Good Product Behavior

Interaction Design Principles

Principles operate at differnt levels of detail

Design principles operate at several levels of granularity, ranging from the general practices of interaction design down to the specifics of interface design.

Concenptual principles

help define what digital products should be like and how they fit structurally into the broad context of use required by their users. Chapter 8 through 13 discuss conceptual-level design principles.

Behavioral principles

describe how a product should behave - in general and in specific contexts. Chapter 14 through 17 discuss general behavior-level principles.

Interface-level principles

describe effective strategies for the organizations, navigations, and communication of behavior and information. Chapter 18 through 21 discuss inteface-level principles (and patterns) of interaction design.

Ch 8. Digital Etiquette

Ch 9. Platform and Posture

Ch 10. Optimizing for Intermediates

Ch 11. Orchestration and Flow

Ch 12. Reducing Work and Eliminating Excise

Ch 13. Metaphors, Idioms, and Affordance

Ch 14. Rethinking Data Entry, Storage, and Retrieval

Ch 15. Preventing Errors and Informing Decisions

Ch 16. Designing for Different Needs

Ch 17. Integrating Visual Design

Part 3. Interaction Details

Ch 18. Designing for the Desktop

Ch 19. Designing for Mobile and Other Devices

Ch 20. Designing for the Web

Ch 21. Design Details: Controls and Dialogs

Appendix A. Design Principles

Chapter 1. A Design Process for Digital Products

Chapter 3. Modeling Users: Personas and Goals

Chapter 4. Setting the Vision: Scenarios and Design Requirements

Chapter 5. Designing the Product: Framework and Refinment

Chapter 8. Digital Etiquette

Chapter 9. Platform and Posture

Chapter 10. Optimizing for Intermediates

Chapter 11. Orchestration and Flow

Chapter 12. Reducing Work and Eliminating Excise

Chapter 13. Metaphors, Idioms, and Affordances

Chapter 14. Rethinking Data Entry, Storage, and Retrieval

Chapter 17. Integrating Visual Design

Chapter 18. Designing for the Desktop

Chapter 19. Designing for Mobile and Other Devices

Chapter 20. Designing for the Web

Chapter 21. Design Details: Controls and Dialogs

책/AboutFace4 (last edited 2023-07-06 04:29:06 by 정수)