인간 중심 상담

모든 생명체는 온전함으로 나아가려는 내재적인 힘을 가지고 있는데, 이것을 지향성향이라고 한다.

모든 시스템은 엔트로피에 반대되는, 고도화되려는 자기조직화 경향을 가지는데 이것을 형성성향이라고 한다.

이 지향성향과 형성성향이 만나는 지점에, 의식이 있다.

내담자 안에 있는 지향성향과 환경적인 형성성향을 일깨우기 위한 3가지 촉진조건이 있다:

  1. 일치성
  2. 무조건적인 수용
  3. 공감적 경청

CarlRogers는 치료적 변화를 일으키는 6가지 필요충분조건이 있다고 했다: (위키피디아)

  1. 상담자와 내담자의 심리적 접촉: a relationship between client and therapist must exist, and it must be a relationship in which each person's perception of the other is important.

  2. 내담자의 비일치성, 혹은 취약성: that in-congruence exists between the client's experience and awareness. Furthermore, the client is vulnerable or anxious which motivates them to stay in the relationship.

  3. 상담자의 일치성, 혹은 진실성: the therapist is congruent within the therapeutic relationship. The therapist is deeply involved him or herself - they are not "acting" - and they can draw on their own experiences (self-disclosure) to facilitate the relationship.

  4. 상담자의 무조건적인 긍정 태도 (UPR): the therapist accepts the client unconditionally, without judgment, disapproval or approval. This facilitates increased self-regard in the client, as they can begin to become aware of experiences in which their view of self-worth was distorted by others.

  5. 상담자의 공감적 이해: the therapist experiences an empathic understanding of the client's internal frame of reference. Accurate empathy on the part of the therapist helps the client believe the therapist's unconditional love for them.

  6. 내담자의 인식: that the client perceives, to at least a minimal degree, the therapist's UPR and empathic understanding.

Main Principles:


  1. Self exploration
  2. Self acceptance
  3. Self change


  1. Create an environment so clients can express feelings or thoughts without fear
  2. Clients explore their emotions to discover the underlying motivations for those attitudes
  3. Follow a predictable process and doesn't interpret for the client
  4. Superficial concerns move to deep attitudes
  5. Client begins to improve their self concept, how they see themselves, and change their negative patterns
  6. The process unearths thinking that was not available to the conscious mind
  7. Benefits include insight gained, and real improvement in behavior

인간중심상담 (last edited 2021-04-20 03:50:09 by 정수)