#acl +All:read === 6.2 Making One Small Change === I report a conversation with a colleague who was complaining that he had the same damn stuff in his lunch sack day after day. "So who makes your lunch?" I asked. " I do," says he. - R. Fulghum Your next challenge is to undertake a change project of your own, but this time to seek support in making this change. The purpose is to launch your career as a change artist by experiencing in the "real world" some of the theoretical learnings, but in as small and safe a way as possible. ==== The Challenge ==== Choose one ''small'' thing ''about yourself'' you want to change. Novice change artists tend to be too eager for their own good. If you want to eat a whole elephant, start with a single bite. If you finish one change, you are free to do another, and another -- so don't worry that it's too small. Find an interested change artist (or associate, or some willing person), meet with him or her, and explain the change you want to make. Contact with that person for the kind of support you think you need to accomplish your change. Check with your supporter periodically to update him or her on your progress. ==== Experiences ==== Since readers of a book can't easily exchange observations about experiences, let's examine a fre instructive experiences of other change artists accepting this challenge to make on small change.