Group Development Stage

BruceTuckman 에 의해 1965년 DevelopmentalSequenceInSmallGroups 논문에서 제안된 모델.

이 모델에 따르면 팀은 다음과 같은 발달 단계를 거친다.

  1. Forming
  2. Storming
  3. Norming
  4. Performing
  5. Adjourning/Transforming (나중에 추가됨)

TeamBuilding을 위해서 이 발달 단계를 숙지하고 있는 것이 좋다.

The Evolution of a Maturing Team

When a new team is formed, a natural maturing process occurs. Tuckman described the evolution of a team in four stages:

When forming a new team for an agile project, it’s natural to assume that armed with the right processes and tools, the team will jump to Norming or even Performing, but this is not usually the case. Strong leadership is needed to swiftly coach the team through the early stages of the team’s maturity. This is why there is great value in keeping teams together that have worked well together in the past.

Resource:“Developmental sequence in small groups,” Bruce Tuckman, Psychological Bulletin Volume 63, 1965.

-- Individuals and Interaction: Chapter 3. Team Dynamics > The Evolution of a Maturing Team

GroupDevelopmentStage (last edited 2020-04-13 15:09:16 by 정수)