## page was renamed from Coaching/관련도서 ## page was renamed from Coaching/추천도서 #acl +All:read == Georgetown 대학의 리더십 코칭 과정 == [[http://scs.georgetown.edu/programs_nc/CE0097/leadership-coaching?dId=37|Georgetown 대학의 리더십 코칭 과정]] 번역서 보유함 * ''Co-active Coaching'' by LauraWhitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, and Phillip Sandahl, 2nd edition 원서 보유함 * ''What Makes a Leader'' by DanielGoleman, HBR ([[attachment:DanielGoleman/What-makes-a-Leader.pdf|보기]]) * ''Teaching Smart People How to Learn'' by ChrisArgyris, HBR ([[attachment:ChrisArgyris/chris_argyris_learning.pdf|보기]]) * ''The Real Reason People Won’t Change'' by RobertKegan and LisaLahey, HBR ([[attachment:real-reason-people-wont-change.pdf|보기]], [[http://blog.ohmynews.com/yokojohn/197801|한글 요약]]) * ''Seven Transformations of Leadership'' by Rooke and Torbert, HBR ([[attachment:seven-transformations-of-leadership.pdf|보기]]) * ''The Making of a Corporate Athlete'' by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, HBR ([[attachment:The_Making_of_a_Corporate_Athlete.pdf|보기]]) 번역서 출간됨 * ''Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart'' by Mary Beth O’Neill (번역서: 경영자 코칭. 아시아코칭센터) * ''The Extraordinary Leader'' by John H. Zenger and Joseph Folkman (번역서: 탁월한 리더는 어떻게 만들어지는가 - 평범한 관리자를 탁월한 리더로 만드는 리더십 개발 프로그램) * ''Be Your Own Coach'' by Barbara Braham and Chris Wahl (번역서: 바바라 브라함, 자기 혁신의 길. 알파경영혁신쎈타, 2000, 절판) 번역서 알려지지 않음 * ''On Becoming a Leadership Coach: A Holistic Approach to Coaching Excellence'' by Christine Wahl, Clarice Scriber, and Beth Bloomfield * ''Language and the Pursuit of Happiness'' by Chalmers Brothers * ''Holding the Center'' by Richard Heckler * ''Anatomy of Change'' by Richard Heckler * ''Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others'' by James Flaherty == Yorkshire and Humber Deanery Coaching Skills Programme == © Matt Driver/Sandra Grealy 2013 1 The number of books on coaching and mentoring is growing fast. We list here a selected number of titles which we see as interesting, useful and informative. Those marked with a star should be regarded as key texts which have been particularly influential in the development of the executive coaching profession. 번역서 보유함 * PeterBlock, (1981) ''Flawless Consulting''. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer. (번역서: 완벽한 컨설팅) * *TimothyGallwey, (2000) ''The Inner Game of Work''. London: Orion Publishing Group. (번역서: 이너게임) * O’Connor J and Seymour, J (1993) ''Introducing NLP'', London: Harper Collins (번역서: NLP 코칭) * JohnWhitmore, (1996) ''Coaching for Performance, Second Edition''. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing. (번역서: 성과 향상을 위한 코칭 리더십) * *LauraWhitworth, Kimsey-House, H. and Sandahl, P. (1998) ''Co-Active Coaching''. Palo Alto, CA: Davies Black Publishing. (번역서: 라이프 코칭) 원서 보유함 * Vaughan Smith, J (2007) Therapist into Coach. Maidenhead: Open University Press 번역서 출간됨 * CarlRogers, (1980) ''A Way of Being''. Boston, MA: Houghton Miffiin. (번역서: 사람 중심 상담) * Harris, T.A. (1973) ''I’m OK – You’re OK''. London: Pan Books. (번역서: 마음의 해부학, 분야:[[교류분석]](TA)) * EricBerne, (1964) ''Games People Play''. London: Penguin. (번역서: 심리 게임 - 교류 분석으로 읽는 인간 관계의 뒷면, 분야:[[교류분석]](TA)) * *Bridges, W. (1991) ''Managing Transitions''. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. (번역서: 변환 관리 - 변화를 성공적으로 이끄는 법) * Carson, R. (1987) ''Taming Your Gremlin: A Guide to Enjoying Yourself''. London: Harper and Row. (번역서: 작은 악마 그렘린, 절판) * *Egan, G. (1998) ''The Skilled Helper'', 6th edn. New York, NY: Brooks Cole. (번역서: 유능한 상담자) * *O’Neill, M.B. (2000) ''Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart''. San Franciso, CA: Jossey-Bass. (번역서: 경영자 코칭. 아시아코칭센터) * Yalom, I.D. (2002) ''The Gift of Therapy''. London: Judy Piatkus Publishing. (번역서: 치료의 선물) * Briggs Myers, I. with Myers, P. (1980) ''Gifts Differing'', Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press. (번역서: 성격의 재발견, 특이사항:MBTI의 이사벨 마이어스 저작) * Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990) ''The Psychology of Optimal Experience'': New York, Harper Row (번역서: 몰입 - 미치도록 행복한 나를 만난다) * VictorFrankl, (1959) ''Man’s Search for Meaning'', New York, NY: Pocket Books. (번역서: 죽음의 수용소에서, 특이사항: [[Logotherapy]]) 번역서 알려지지 않음 * Anderson, M. (2003) ''Bottom Line Organizational Development''. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. * Bluckert, P (2006) ''Psychological Dimensions of Executive Coaching''. Maidenhead: Open University Press. * *Brockbank, A and McGill, I (2007) ''Facilitating Reflective Learning through Mentoring and Coaching''. London, Kogan Page. * *Driver, M. (2011) ''Coaching Positively – Lessons for coaches from Positive Psychology'', Maidenhead: Open University Press /McGraw Hill * Feltham, C. and Horton, I. (Eds) (2000) ''A Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy''. London: Sage Publications. * Flaherty, J. (1999) ''Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others''. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. * Goldsmith, M, Lyons,L and Freas, A. (2001) ''Coaching for Leadership''. San Francisco CA, Jossey Bass * *Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. and McKee, A. (2002) ''The New Leaders''. London: Little, Brown. * Hay, J. (2007) ''Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches''. Maidenhead: Open University Press * Hayes, P. (2006) ''NLP Coaching''. Maidenhead, Open University Press * Hayes, P. (2011) ''Leading and Coaching Teams to Success''. Maidenhead: Open University Press /McGraw Hill * *Kline, N. (1999) ''Time to Think''. London: Ward Lock. * Locke, E A & Latham, G P. (1990) ''A Theory of Goal-Setting and Task Performance''. Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall * Peltier, B (2002) ''The Psychology of Executive Coaching''. London: Brunner Routledge * *Rogers, J. (2008). ''Coaching Skills: A Handbook, Second Edition''. Maindenhead: Open University Press * Rogers, J. (2008) ''Second Edition. The Sixteen Personality Types at Work in Organisations''. London: Management Futures; Milton Keynes: ASK Europe. * Rogers, J. (2007) ''Adults Learning, Fifth Edition''. Maidenhead: Open University Press. * Rogers, J (2006) ''Developing a Coaching Business'', Maidenhead: Open University Press * Schein, E H, (2006) ''Career Anchors: Self Assessment, Third Edition''. New York, Pfeiffer * Schutz, W. (1984) ''The Truth Option''. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. (특이사항:FIRO-B 검사를 만든 사람) * Starr, J (2002) ''The Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles and Skills of Personal Coaching''. London, Prentice Hall. == Diane Lennard의 책 추천 == http://www.limglobal.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/LIM-News-109.pdf Coaching Models: A Cultural Perspective 의 저자. 각각의 코칭 모델은 각 코치 개인의 배경, 스타일, 독특한 가치관을 반영한다. 코치가 가진 문화적인 지향(orientation)은 코칭의 지향(orientation)에 영향을 준다. "내가 볼 때 시중의 코칭 책들은 세 분야로 나뉜다: leadership coaching, developmental coaching, general coaching" Leadership coaching: * ''The CCL Handbook of Coaching: A Guide for the Leader Coach'', by Sharon Ting, explains the Center for Creative Leadership's framework for coaching leaders. * ''Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart'', by Mary Beth O'Neil, describes the techniques and approach she developed to help her corporate executive clients become better leaders. * ''Executive Coaching: Practices and Perspectives'', By Catherine Fitzgerald and Jennifer Berger (eds.) offers theories and practices of executive coaching for enhancing the performance of leaders. Developmental coaching: * ''Coaching for Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose'', by John Whitmore, presents the GROW model of coaching. * ''Masterful Coaching'', by James Hargrove, explains the Masterful Coaching method designed to empower leaders to create "impossible" futures for their organizations. * ''Coaching Manager'', by James Hunt and Joseph Weintraub, describes the authors' coaching model that managers can use to help their employees develop. * ''Action Coaching'', by David L. Dotlich and Peter C. Cairo, presents the Action Coaching model linking the goals of individuals to organizational issues and change. General coaching: * ''The Handbook of Coaching'', by Frederic M. Hudson, providing a "comprehensive resource guide for managers, executives, consultants and human resource professionals." * ''Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others'', by James Flaherty, takes an interdisciplinary look at coaching, the coaching relationship and a variety of coaching practices. * ''The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work'', by Perry Zeus and Suzanne Skiffington, explains coaching principles, methods, models and tools for archieving change in organizations. * ''The Coach U Personal and Corporate Coach Traning Handbook'', by Coach U. Inc., presents core skills and methods used in personal and corporate coaching practice. == LinkedIn ICF Group 추천 == https://www.linkedin.com/groups/87212/87212-6102515130627604482 * ''Challenging Coaching'', Ian Day and John Blakey * 3, [[https://www.amazon.com/Challenging-Coaching-Going-Beyond-Traditional-ebook/dp/B01HPVHL76|Kindle ed]] * ''Humble Inquiry'', Edgar H. Schein * 2, [[https://www.amazon.com/Humble-Inquiry-Gentle-Instead-Telling-ebook/dp/B00CTY5FXM|Kindle ed]] * ''Coach's Casebook'', Geoff Watts and KimMorgan * 2, [[https://www.amazon.com/Coachs-Casebook-Mastering-twelve-traits-ebook/dp/B00UOYB2N6|Kindle ed]] * ''The Prosperous Coach'', Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin * 2, [[https://www.amazon.com/Prosperous-Coach-Increase-Income-Clients-ebook/dp/B00CLLACTA|Kindle ed]] * ''The Handbook of Knowledge-Based Coaching: From Theory to Practice'' * ''The Big Leap'', Guy Hendricks * ''The Art of Coaching'', Jenny Bird and Sarah Gornall * ''Conversational Intelligence'', Judith Glaser * ''The Coach's Chronicles'' * ''Embracing Our Selves'' by the Stone * ''A More Beautiful Question'' by Warren Berger * ''Yourself Solid'', Michael Port * ''Success Principles'', Jack Canfield * ''Quantum Coaching Questions'', Marilena Minucci * ''The Leadership Coaching Alligator Handbook'' * ''Coaching Plain & Simple: Solution-focused Brief Coaching Essentials'', Kirsten Dierolf, Daniel Meier, Peter Szabo * ''The Psychology of Executive Coaching: Theory and Application, 2nd ed.'', Bruce Peltier * ''Narrative coaching'', David Drake * ''Body-Centered Coaching'', Marlena Field * ''The Eureka Factor: A-Ha Moments, Creative Insight and the Brain'', John Kounios and Mark Beeman * ''What Got Your Here, Won't Get You There'', Marshall Goldsmith * ''Executive EQ'', Robert K Cooper, Ayman Sawaf * ''On Becoming a Person'', CarlRogers * ''Chimp Paradox'', Steve Peters * ''Winning from Within'', Erica Ariel Fox * ''Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business, Transforming Lives'', Kinsey-House * ''Executive Coaching'', Len Sperry * ''Positive Intelligence'', Shrizad Chamine * ''Integration'', Karen Kinsey-House and Ann Betz * ''I Think Not Therefore I am Unlimited'' * ''Coaching with Spirit'', Teri E Belf * ''Transformational Life Coaching'', Cherie Peter Scot * ''Coaching for Performance'' * ''Neuroscience for Coaches'', Amy Brann * ''The Mindful Coach'', Doug Silsbee == Ray Carr == http://www.peer.ca/topcoachbks.html == 웹사이트 == * [[http://coachingcommons.org/|Coaching Commons]]: 코칭에 대한 도서관 수준의 자료들이 쌓여있음. 다양한 코치들이 아티클을 기여함. 특히 코칭의 역사에 대한 비교적 희귀한 자료들이 있음. 코칭의 역사를 책으로 정리한 Vikki Brocks가 쓴 글도 다수. == 잡지 == * [[http://choice-online.com/|choice: the magazine of professional coaching]]: $19 / year, 52-page, quarterly * [[http://www.peer.ca/|Peer Resources]]: $90 / year * [[http://www.coaching-at-work.com/|Coaching at Work]]: $80 / year == 저널 == * [[http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rcoa20#.Ub8rrfmeOP4|Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice]] * [[SGCP]]: TheCoachingPsychologists * [[SGCP]]: InternationalCoachingPsychologyReview * [[http://business.brookes.ac.uk/commercial/work/iccld/ijebcm/|The International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring]] ([[코칭/IJEBCM]]) == 아티클 == * http://thenextweb.com/lifehacks/2015/02/22/goals-losers-building-habits-systems-instead/ * Goal을 세우지 말라고 한다. 자꾸 부담스럽기만 하고. 대신에 습관 형성과 시스템 구성에 힘쓰라는 글. 흥미로운 관점.