ThomasLeonard가 1992년에 세운 코칭 교육기관이다.
CoachInc의 교육과정은 두 트랙으로 나뉘는데, 개인을 다루는 Coach U와, 기업을 다루는 Corporate Coach U가 있다. 공통적으로 Core Essentials Program (CEP)을 이수해야 하고, 개인 코칭을 위해서는 Advanced Coaching Program(ACP)을 수강하고, 비즈니스 코칭을 위해서는 Advanced Corporate Coaching Program(ACCP)을 수강한다.
Course |
Hours |
ICF Coverage |
Price |
Price (원) |
Price (한국코칭센터) |
내용 |
77 |
$2,595 |
270만원 |
270만원 (vat 별도) |
90 |
$3,495 |
360만원 |
90 |
$3,495 |
360만원 |
480만원 (vat 별도) |
Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles |
Coach U |
Corporate Coach U |
1. People Have Somthing in Common: |
We return to our common connections by loving, honoring and valuing ourselves and others. |
People are drawn together in companies through a compelling mission, and shared values. |
2. People Are Inquisitive: |
Wonder, curiosity and inquiry are the source of all learning. |
Organizations that encourage curiosity accelerate learning and creativity. |
3. People Contribute: |
Contribution based on purpose generates true fulfillment. |
When organizations recognize individual contribution, they grow leaders at every level. |
4. People Grow from Connection: |
Connection is the wellspring of creativity. |
Collaboration is a conduit for enhancing people's strengths and generating innovative solutions. |
5. People Seek Value: |
Listening provides an ever-present access to value. |
Listening beyond words is the currency of valuing human capital. |
6. People Act in Their Own Interest: |
Discernment reveals the opportunities in every situation. |
When people make the shift from self-interest to self-responsibility, it enhances the quality of interaction with colleagues and clients. |
7. People Live from their Perception: |
An inclusive, present-based perception of reality is the platform for effective action. |
Recognizing that people perceive reality through their own filters leads to effective communication and creates a platform for positive action. |
8. People Have a Choice: |
Awareness is the precursor to choice. |
Shifting perspectives expands awareness and reveals new choices. |
9. People Define their Own Integrity: |
The vigilant development of the fit between conduct and calling creates integrity. |
Initegrity for individuals comes from continuous alignment between the organization's mission, vision, and values, and their own. |